Flux RSS http://www.education.gov.tn www.edunet.tn Fluxenet Generator Press release - Results of the internal competition on files for the promotion of computer analysts and technicians (2023 session) http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-02-11/Com11022025.pdf 2025-02-10 Press release - Results of the internal competition on files for the promotion of computer analysts and technicians (2023 session) Minister of Education oversees school first aid event http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-02-08/Actu_Min08022025.pdf 2025-02-09 Minister of Education oversees school first aid event Press release http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-02-08/Com08022025.pdf 2025-02-09 Press release Minister of Education oversees workshop on school map review and development program http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-02-07/Actu_Min07022025.pdf 2025-02-09 Minister of Education oversees workshop on school map review and development program The Minister of Education oversees the opening of the first national visual arts meeting http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-02-06/Actu_Min06022025.pdf 2025-02-07 The Minister of Education oversees the opening of the first national visual arts meeting Press release - Final results of the external recruitment competition (2024) for the recruitment of ten agents and managers in various specializations for OLPME http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-02-06/Com06022025.pdf 2025-02-06 Press release - Final results of the external recruitment competition (2024) for the recruitment of ten agents and managers in various specializations for OLPME The Minister of Education visits schools in the Kebili region http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-01-31/Actu_Min31012025.pdf 2025-01-31 The Minister of Education visits schools in the Kebili region The Minister of Education receives Mr Delano Roosevelt, President and CEO of the American think tank “National Council on Arab-US Relations” http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-01-30/Actu_Min30012025.pdf 2025-01-31 The Minister of Education receives Mr Delano Roosevelt, President and CEO of the American think tank “National Council on Arab-US Relations” Press release - Result of internal competition for promotion to the grade of principal architect (Session 2024) http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-01-29/Com29012025.pdf 2025-01-29 Press release - Result of internal competition for promotion to the grade of principal architect (Session 2024) The Minister of Education receives the Director General of ISESCO http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-01-28/Actu_Min28012025.pdf 2025-01-28 The Minister of Education receives the Director General of ISESCO Minister of Education supervises the opening of the national workshop on school inclusion at the primary level http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-01-25/Actu_Min25012025.pdf 2025-01-27 Minister of Education supervises the opening of the national workshop on school inclusion at the primary level Press release - Opening of professional examinations for the promotion of blue-collar workers to a higher grade (Session 2023) http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-01-24/Com24012025.pdf 2025-01-24 Press release - Opening of professional examinations for the promotion of blue-collar workers to a higher grade (Session 2023) Press release - Result of Internal competition on files for the promotion of the body of architects (2023 session) http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-01-23/Com23012025.pdf 2025-01-23 Press release - Result of Internal competition on files for the promotion of the body of architects (2023 session) Workshop on formal and non-formal education and its role in preventing violent extremism http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-01-22/Actu_Min22012025.pdf 2025-01-27 Workshop on formal and non-formal education and its role in preventing violent extremism Strengthening Tunisian-French cooperation in education http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-01-20/Actu_Min20012025.pdf 2025-01-21 Strengthening Tunisian-French cooperation in education Minister of Education oversees working session on resumption of several pending projects http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-01-18/Actu_Min18012025.pdf 2025-01-18 Minister of Education oversees working session on resumption of several pending projects Minister of Education receives Director of UNOPS Regional Office for Africa http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-01-17/Actu_Min17012025.pdf 2025-01-18 Minister of Education receives Director of UNOPS Regional Office for Africa The Ministers of Education and the Interior supervise a road safety awareness campaign in Manouba http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-01-11/Actu_Min11012025.pdf 2025-01-13 The Ministers of Education and the Interior supervise a road safety awareness campaign in Manouba Signature of an agreement between the Ministry of Education and the Tunisian Association for Artificial Intelligence http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-01-10/Actu_Min10012025.pdf 2025-01-10 Signature of an agreement between the Ministry of Education and the Tunisian Association for Artificial Intelligence Press release - Internal competition on files for the promotion of the common body of technicians (2023 session) http://www.echos.education.gov.tn/2025-01-09/Com09012025.pdf 2025-01-10 Press release - Internal competition on files for the promotion of the common body of technicians (2023 session)